12 January 2005

Something to (not) do next Thursday

I received this from a friend a few days ago:

Inauguration Day, Silent Protest

Since our religious leaders will not speak out against the war in Iraq, since our political leaders don't have the moral courage to oppose it, Inauguration Day, Thursday, January 20th, 2005 is "Not One Damn Dime Day" in America.

On "Not One Damn Dime Day," those who oppose what is happening in our name in Iraq can speak up with a 24-hour national boycott of all forms of consumer spending. During "Not One Damn Dime Day" please don't spend money. Not one damn dime for gasoline. Not one damn dime for necessities or for impulse purchases. Not one damn dime for anything for 24 hours.

On "Not One Damn Dime Day," please boycott Wal-Mart, Kmart and Target. Please don't go to the mall or the local convenience store. Please don't buy any fast food (or any groceries at all for that matter).  For 24 hours, please do what you can to shut the retail economy down. The object is simple. Remind the people in power that the war in Iraq is immoral and illegal; that they are responsible for starting it and that it is their responsibility to stop it. "Not One Damn Dime Day" is to remind them, too, that they work for the people of the United States of America, not for the international corporations and K Street lobbyists who represent the corporations and funnel cash into American politics.

"Not One Damn Dime Day" is about supporting the troops. The politicians put the troops in harm's way.  Now 1,200 brave young Americans and (some estimate) 100,000 Iraqis have died. The politicians owe our troops a plan -- a way to come home.

There's no rally to attend. No marching to do. No left or right wing agenda to rant about. On "Not One Damn Dime Day" you take action by doing nothing. You open your mouth by keeping your wallet closed. For 24 hours, nothing gets spent, not one damn dime, to
remind our religious leaders and our politicians of their moral responsibility to end the war in Iraq and give America back to the people.




Sounds like a good idea to me, a silent, non-violent way to tell King George that he doesn't have a mandate, and that not everyone agrees with his policies of arrogance.  This isn't about protesting the results of the election.  Bush won, I've dealt with it.  But just because 3% more of the people who bothered to vote thought him the better man doesn't mean that we should all fall in line like the sheep that he expects us to be.


There continues to be no exit strategy for the war in Iraq, the number of American casualties continues to rise, and the upcoming elections will see an increase in insurgency.  Yesterday the acting Iraqi leader acknowledged that there will not be voting in parts of the country because it will not be safe.  Upon reading this, I would assume that perhaps the powers that be would elect to postpone the elections until it is guaranteed that every Iraqi citizen can safely cast a ballot.  Of course, that will not happen, because this administration would look at a rescheduling as admitting to a mistake, and we all know how kindly Bush jumps at admitting error.


I will do my part next Thursday in letting the President know that I am disgusted at his callous disregard for life, his mind-numbing abuse of power, and his unfettering arrogance.  And I don't care if this protest is deemed a success.  I prefer to think of it as using a voice for the thousands of American service people who can no longer use theirs.  I screamed as loudly as I could on November 2, and I will do the same on January 20. 



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I knew it would give him a clue I'd go for a week without spending a dime....but I don't think Bush is aware of anything outside his own little circle.
A miracle occured yesterday. Bush admitted his idiotic knee jerk tough guy talk had negative reprecussions. I don't think he needed to tell that to the thousands of injured he tries so hard to hide from view.

Candace      ~